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Arcadedia  Privacy Policy

How We Collect and Use Information:


We collect customer information, solely to interact with you the customer in response to site promotions, questions and answers. We may also use this information to correspond to/with Arcadedia  messages, newsletters, ads, sales and or events etc...

 Information you provide directly and indirectly:

We ask for certain information such as your real name, and email address. We may also retain any messages you send through the Service, and may collect information you provide in User Content that you post to our site. We limit the use of  this information to operate, maintain, and provide to you the features and functionality of  the website Service.


Information you may provide third parties:

We may receive information about you from third parties. For example, if you access our website or Service and follow a link, through a third-party connection or log-in, such as Facebook,  Pinterest, Instagram, etc..., by “following,” “liking,” adding  or  linking your account, a third party may pass certain direct or analytical information about your use of its service to us and or other parties.  This information could include,  an access token necessary to access that service, any information that you have permitted the third party to share and any information you have made public in connection with that service. You should always review, and if necessary, adjust your privacy settings on third-party websites and services before linking or connecting them to other third party services.

Analytics information:


We may directly collect analytics data, or use third-party analytics tools and services, to help us measure traffic and usage trends for the Service. These tools collect information sent by your browser or mobile device, including the pages you visit and other information that assists us in improving the Service. We collect and use this analytics information in aggregate form such that it cannot reasonably be manipulated to identify any particular individual user.


Cookies information:

The use of cookies may be used by Arcadedia  and our third party resources to assist us with analytical data collection.

A cookie may convey information to us about how you use the Service (e.g., the pages you view, the links you click and other actions you take on the Service), and allow us or our business partners to track your usage of the Service over time. A persistent cookie remains on your hard drive after you close your browser. Persistent cookies may be used by your browser on subsequent visits to the site. Persistent cookies can be removed by following your web browser’s directions. A session cookie is temporary and disappears after you close your browser. You can reset your web browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, some features of the Service may not function properly if the ability to accept cookies is disabled. .

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